Along with Assistant Bible Course Leaders, HUFA’s Ministry Team Leaders (MTLs) form half of our Leadership Team. Each Ministry Team has a particular area in which they serve, and MTLs lead their teams in honoring God, building up the Church, and serving Harvard, while equipping the rest of HUFA to do the same. You can jump to a team of interest by clicking on one of these:

Outreach | Events | Worship | Doxa


Jonathan Chen ‘26 |

Hey y'all! My name is Jonathan and I'm a junior in Cabot House. While I've moved around a bit throughout my life, I am most recently from Houston, TX where cowboy boots, mosquitos, and humidity run rampant. I'm concentrating in Chemical & Physical Biology but am also playing around with the idea of adding a Statistics joint! Outside of HUFA, I am also VP of Harvard Undergraduates for Bipartisan Solutions, conduct research at the Broad Institute, and enjoy playing volleyball and running in my free time. I can't wait to see how God will move to touch Harvard students' lives this year!

Caleb Chung ‘27 |


McGowen Grinstead ‘26

Jack Mann ‘26 |

Hi folks! My name is Jack, and I grew up in the neighboring town of Belmont, MA. I am currently a junior in Mather, studying math and computer science. I enjoy singing, video games, and reading or chatting about theology, metaphysics, and all other types of philosophy. I am truly blessed to be a part of the wonderful HUFA community, and I'm excited to serve as an Events MTL this year. Praise God!


Connor Lee ‘26 |
Hi! My name's Connor and I'm a junior in Dunster, currently still somewhat unsure of what I'm going to concentrate in. I was born and raised in LA, and I love playing/watching sports, listening to music (I'm a huge John Mayer and Coldplay fan), and watching movies. I've been so blessed by the HUFA community throughout my time at Harvard, and hope to continue serving to create for others the warmth and love and I've felt from my leaders!

Camille Baker ‘25 |
Hi hi friends!! My name is Camille, but most people call me Cami ;) I’m a senior in Leverett house from just outside Pittsburgh, PA! I study music and sociology. Couldn’t be more stoked to serve on worship team this year, doing what I love most. I am passionate about Jesus, music, people, fitness and spontaneous dance parties. Outside of HUFA you might find me boxing at the gym, worshipping at a piano on campus, playing tennis, or at a capella rehearsal. I’m thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given me in life, but above all else, I’m thankful to know the friend and Savior we have in Jesus. I invite you friends, let’s make HUFA a space where we remind each other of the gospel and of our call to live for Christ amidst the chaos of Harvard. He is greater!


Julia Grinstead ‘27 |

Lydia Ato ‘25 |